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Veneers in Colleyville, TX

Dental veneers are the most aesthetic and permanent method for correcting smile imperfections. Patricia Calabria, DDS and Andre Ellis, DDS offer better-than-natural-looking veneers at Gateway Dental in Colleyville, Texas. In as few as three visits, you can have the perfect, gleaming smile you always wanted. Find out if the latest technology in veneers can help, schedule a consultation over the phone.

woman smiling

Veneers Q & A

Why should I get veneers?

Dental veneers are thin porcelain or ceramic covers custom designed, one by one, for each of your teeth. Because they’re custom-made, they’re ideal for correcting:

  • Severe discoloration
  • Minor chips or cracks
  • Misshapen or crooked teeth
  • Uneven spacing or gaps

No matter the type of smile imperfection you want to change, chances are, you’re going to benefit from veneers.

Are dental veneers permanent?

With regular dental checkups and proper daily flossing and brushing, your veneers can last as long as 10-15 years — or even longer in some cases. The process of getting veneers, however, is permanent because this cosmetic treatment involves removing some of your tooth enamel.

Like crowns, proper dental hygiene habits are required to prevent decay from developing underneath. This decay results in needing to replace the veneers more frequently. Regular dental checkups also help ensure your teeth are healthy, and your veneers last as long as possible.

Is it painful to get dental veneers?

Not at all. Most men and women explain that prepping teeth for veneers is no worse than having your teeth professionally cleaned or getting a small cavity filled. While Dr. Calabria and Dr. Ellis are happy to numb the treatment area thoroughly or offer sedation, you might not even need it.

Schedule an appointment at Gateway Dental to see if veneers are right for you. Book your appointment over the phone.

How long does it take to get veneers?

You generally need at least three visits to get a set of dental veneers. Your first visit starts with a consultation with either Dr. Calabria or Dr. Ellis to determine if you’re a candidate.

After determining that veneers are right for you, the next appointment involves preparing your teeth. During preparation, your dentist gently removes a small amount of tooth enamel from the outer surface of your teeth. Next, they take an impression, and your veneers are fabricated.

During your final visit, your veneers are bonded into place. Dr. Calabria or Dr. Ellis makes any necessary adjustments to your bite after completing the bonding process — even several weeks later — to ensure your veneers don’t interrupt your bite.

Request an Appointment Today